Types and suitability
Depending on how much of the auricle is filled, we distinguish the following versions of in-the-canal-hearing aids:
⦁ Invisible in the canal – IIC is the type of custom-fit hearing aid which is inserted deeply in the ear canal making it practically invisible once it is in the ear. Despite its components being exceptionally small, it is necessary that the external auditory canal of the potential user meets the minimum necessary measures. They are suitable for mild to moderate hearing loss.
⦁ Completely in Canal – CIC, as the name suggests, are types of hearing aids which fit completely in the ear canal, but like IIC they generally do not offer user control such as push button or volume control. Plate of CIC hearing aids is approximately at the level of the ear canal entrance, and if necessary, a small plastic handle can be installed for inserting or removing the hearing aid. It can be used for mild to moderate hearing loss.
⦁ In-the-canal – ITC hearing aid fills less than half of auricle, and the front plate is slightly bigger than the ear canal entrance. It is the most used custom-made hearing aid. CIC hearing aids often contains directional microphones and can have push button for user control. It can be used for mild to moderate hearing loss.
⦁ In-the-ear – ITE (Full shell – FS or Half Shell – HS) fills entire or half of auricle and is often used when anatomy of the ear or size of the main components disenables the making of the IIC, CIC or ITC type of hearing aids. It can be used for mild to moderate hearing loss.