Discreet and light, but powerful and advanced, Receiver-in-the-ear (RITE) or Receiver-in-canal (RIC) are behind-the-ear hearing aid version in which the speaker is separated from the hearing aid housing and placed directly in the user’s ear canal.

Hearing aid is connected with a thin cable, which achieves very discreet look. Soft dome is placed on the speaker and an earmold can be made if necessary.

Versions and suitability

RITE hearing aids are made in several shapes, sizes and colors and usually have a button(s) on them that allows the user to manually control the features of the hearing aid.

They are available in miniRITE and miniRITE R types. RITE hearing aids can be used from mild to severe hearing loss.

The R version with rechargeable battery allows use without the need to change battery regularly and the battery can be easily charged by placing the devices in the charger overnight

Why choose receiver-in-the-ear hearing aids?

If you have mild, moderate or severe hearing loss and you want a modern and comfortable hearing aid that is not noticeable, then RITE model is the right solution for you. Pleasantly designed “mini” models, with wireless smartphone control, a wide variety of domes and rechargeable batteries will satisfy even the most demanding users.


RITE hearing aids are the most commonly used version of hearing aid as they allow adjustment to a wide range of users. They can be used for all degrees of hearing loss, and they are very flexible if needed (e.g., minor hearing loss deterioration or the need to move aids to the other ear).

Furthermore, the placement of the speaker in the ear canal enables the construction of a hearing aid of smaller dimensions compared to BTE types. In addition, with receiver-in-the-ear you avoid feedback that occurs due to sound transfer in tube. This means a less noticeable aid for the user and better sound quality.

RITE hearing aids are very discreet, light and comfortable. High-quality hearing aids generally contain directional microphone option and the ability to connect wirelessly to a smartphone or TV adapter. Rechargeable type available as well.


Receiver-in-the-ear hearing aids have housing parts behind the ear and receiver in the ear, which may cause fitting issues at the beginning of use. In addition, the types with disposable batteries require battery change every 5 to 7 days.

Want to try hearing aids with a receiver-in-the-ear?

Choose one of 27 clinics and fill in your contact details or call us at the toll-free number 0800 44 66

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